About Us

Four Generations Strong : Over 100 years in the farming industry.

Pleasant View Farms has been family owned and operated in Somers, Connecticut since it was founded in 1918. Pleasant View Farms Red Angus is a registered herd that despite being relatively young, has big intentions. Our mission is producing top quality Red Angus cattle. Our goal is to raise and breed our animals to benefit any operation. Whether you are a commercial cattleman or someone looking for a competitive show heifer, we can help. We strive for animals that are balanced well by breeding for performance, disposition, and phenotype. Through purchasing excellent females and utilizing resources such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer we are aiming to produce the best beef.

We also grow roughly 1000 acres of various grains, as well as 600 acres of Timothy/orchard and alfalfa hay. Quality, reliability, and consistency are a few of our largest strengths in growing our business and developing long term customer relationships. The farm is run by brothers Louis and Jacob Lipton, whose mission is to maintain the integrity and dedication their family has set out for them. Their goal is to keep the farm viable and productive for generations to come. Click the button below to learn more about our beef.

We also raise and sell premium quality beef available for retail purchase on our farm or in bulk by 1/4 and 1/2 share.